Renovation and Construction

Renovation and Construction

It is very clear that most indoor facilities for early childhood development classes are inadequate in most parts of Africa. The facilities include classrooms and indoor play areas which should be well equipped with developmentally appropriate materials to cater for holistic development of children which include social, intellectual, language and fine motor skills which is an important goal for early learning in Africa. Some children learn under trees despite the adverse weather conditions they might experience.


Nhaka Foundation partners with rural area primary schools and the parents and caregivers to renovate existing or build new Early Childhood Development (ECD) Centres through the renovation of dilapidated classrooms. The classroom floors, windows, doors and roofs are repaired or replaced, and a fresh coat of paint is applied inside and out. Each Centre has its own unique personality as the exteriors are then finished with hand-painted, age-appropriate drawings by local artists.


As a part of the renovations program team Nhaka works with the families and members of the community to plan and build, expand or repair the playgrounds and equipment using readily available and safe materials.


Once restored to a like-new condition, the Centres are officially incorporated into the primary school system and sustained by the community through elected Pre-School Management Committees thus ensuring the children will continue to have clean and safe spaces in which to work and play.