My Zim Reflections by Olivia Yoder

We believe all Children should have the resources to have a healthy and fulfilled live, and that the vulnerable children of Zimbabwe, Africa are strong, vibrant, contributing Members of their Communities, their Country and The World.

My Zim Reflections by Olivia Yoder

My name is Olivia.  I am a twenty-year-old junior in college, and I am epically passionate about giving each and every child the ability and resources to a quality education.  When I was 16 years old, I made the life changing decision to move to Zimbabwe.  Many have asked why on earth I would do something like that and why would my parents allow it.  There is no other reason than the fact that I NEEDED to get out of my comfort zone and the Lord continued to open doors to this opportunity.  I lived in Zimbabwe for six months and attended a local high school for four of those months.  I lived and breathed the Zimbabwe lifestyle.  The Zimbabwean school I was attending helped me grasp an understanding of the reality of how important getting an education really is. 
For the last five years I have been able to be a part of the work Nhaka Foundation is doing in and out of their schools.  They are bringing necessary learning tools and concepts right to the schools and students.  From the purity conferences, to the outdoor play sets, children are getting fed in many ways.  In my most recent trip to Zimbabwe, at the end of march, the Nhaka team and I went to almost all of the schools that Nhaka has been involved in.  We saw first-hand the progression of how each school is utilizing their sustainable gardens and different projects.  As I went into the classrooms of every school; it is undeniable how much the teachers want their students to succeed.  
The communities and parents sacrifice their time and talents to ensure the children are learning in an environment that is safe and self-sustainable.  Although so many of these schools are constantly seeking new ways to help their students and the community, they are struggling to keep going.  Electricity is difficult to come by.  Clean water and a food source are scarce.  In the United States, our students are used to getting one to two meals a day at school alone.  In the schools Nhaka has partnered with, a student’s only meal a day may be something small at school.  Recently most of these schools have been unable to feed their students at school.  
For young children especially, they need 2 main things in order to learn to their best ability: nutrition and play.  They cannot be engaged in their learning if their bodies have not been fed, and they cannot concentrate when their brains need to be relieved and their social skills need to be replenished. Getting an education can change your life.  The teachers and leaders in these schools are selfless and are giving the students the best education, they can give.  The communities and parents have been sacrificial in order to provide all students with a safe and self-sustained environment.  
In order for these schools and students to keep thriving they need to be fueling their bodies with good food and clean water.  All children deserve a quality education as well as to feel free as a child should.     
Partner with Nhaka Foundation to make this possible for every child served.
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February 2025


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